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Flex Facility Management LLC
PO Box #84723
Dubai UAE


experienced company in Security management services

Male Security Guard


Job Profile

Qualification : SIRA Certified
Language : Good command over English, reading & writing

Male security guards play a crucial role in maintaining the safety and security of people, property, and premises. Here are some key aspects of a male security guard’s job profile in Dubai

Access Control: Male security guards are responsible for controlling and monitoring access to the premises they are assigned to. They verify identification, check credentials, and maintain records of visitors, employees, and vehicles entering or leaving the premises.

Patrolling and Surveillance: Male security guards conduct regular patrols to ensure the security of the assigned area. They monitor surveillance cameras, alarms, and other security systems to detect and prevent unauthorized activities or security breaches.

Emergency Response: Male security guards are trained to respond to emergencies swiftly. They are equipped to handle incidents such as medical emergencies, fires, accidents, or security threats. They follow established protocols and coordinate with relevant authorities, if necessary.

Crowd Control: In locations where large gatherings or events take place, male security guards may be responsible for crowd control. They maintain order, enforce rules and regulations, and manage any disturbances or conflicts that may arise.

Customer Service: Male security guards often serve as the first point of contact for visitors or employees. They provide assistance, answer inquiries, and offer general information about the premises or facility. Strong communication and interpersonal skills are essential for providing effective customer service.

Report Writing: Like their female counterparts, male security guards are required to maintain accurate and detailed incident reports. They document any unusual occurrences, security breaches, or incidents during their shift and submit reports to their supervisors.

Training and Compliance: Male security guards undergo comprehensive training to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge for their role. They are familiar with security procedures, emergency response protocols, and relevant laws and regulations. They stay updated on any changes in security measures or policies.